Workshop: Infinite living
Infinite living inspires you to live your authentic self
Service Description
During the workshop infinite living we bring the desires of our core being to the surface. We get to know them more and deeper and experience them. But even more, we bring them into our world so they can materialize in the multiverse. We bring our deepest desires, dreams to life. This day might surprise you, you might be exploring bigger dreams then you thought were possible while manifesting. You might even experience more or other desires and dreams than what you saw before for yourself. This is because they come right from your core being. They sprout out of who you truly are past all the limiting beliefs, shadow, patterns you have been living. You will gain more insight in what en who you truly are, why you are, you will get to see it, feel it and maybe even take the first step of embodiment of some of those dreams and desires. If you are ready to live your life tot he fullest, this is the workshop for you!

Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
Annulatie door de deelnemer kan enkel in geval van overlijden van een onmiddellijke naaste in 5 dagen voor de retraite. U ontvangt 75% van uw investering terug. U wordt nog steeds meegenomen in de energie van het event zodat u ondanks het afscheid nog steeds expansie kan ervaren. In het geval van annulatie door de organisatie ontvangt u het uw volledig investering terug. Cancellation by the participant is only possible in the event of the death of a close relative within 5 days before the retreat. You will receive 75% of your investment back. You are still included in the energy of the event, so that you can still experience expansion despite the farewell. In the event of a cancellation by the organization, you will receive your full investment back.
Contact Details
Lummen, Belgium